Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior
Los 3270
ROMAN. Circa 3rd to 4th centuries. Gnostic Amulet (Lead, 18 mm, 3.60 g). VΘ/PΞ (?) - IXΘV-C Anchor. Rev. IAⲰ / IAⲰ. Very fine.

The acrostic IXΘYC, for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior” occurs on a range of ancient objects, notably in combination with the fish and anchor motif. It also occurs in inscriptions like the famous epitaph of Licinia, in the Museo Nazionale in Rome, which shows an anchor and two fish. The fish and anchor motif is one of the oldest Christian symbols, occurring mostly in the 3rd century. On this amulet, both the acrostic IXΘYC and the anchor symbol are appropriated for magical use, together with the name IAW, deriving from the Hebrew name of God
50 CHF
155 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Aug-21, 12:59:30 CEST
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